Sunday, August 06, 2006

Fantasy Jewelry Ahoy! Originally uploaded by Angel's Lens. I haven't

Fantasy Jewelry Ahoy!
The Wood-cutter's Wife
Originally uploaded by Angel's Lens.

I haven't gotten a single second to work on the site, but I have had a chance to confer with a good friend, and there are great things in the works.

Jamaila, of Ancestral Pile, not only makes jewelry, but knows the DC-Baltimore fantasy and sci-fi circuit inside and out. With her expertise and my accessories we're going to try our hand at doing some fantasy shows in the area this year and next. It looks like our first one will be Capclave, in October.

She's having fun planning the booth and what events to do, and I'm (eventually) going to have fun making things and setting up the website. Life is good.