Sunday, October 01, 2006

What's NEW at Crystal Allure Creations A creative...What's NEW at

What's NEW at Crystal Allure Creations A creative...
What's NEW at Crystal Allure Creations

A creative mind is never on vacation! This cannot be more true than the fact that I have so many new designs to get pictures of and get on the website for you that it is definately taking some time to catch up. In the process, I keep making more new designs...only adding to the pile that is growing daily!

However, I have been able to get some new items listed along with some new website features/options. I know you'll enjoy the new designs and believe me...there is SO MUCH MORE to come!!

New designs and options added in March 2006:
~Watches!! Slowly this line is coming together and right now there are three beautiful designs that will compliment any outfit!

~The Gemstone Collection: Although you will find gemstone jewelry throughout the website you can now shop for your favorite gemstones all in one place. Also, for each gemstone design there is now a link to learn about the properties of that gemstone!

~Bridal Boutique: To accomodate growing requests for crystal bouquets and wedding jewelry, a new bridal boutique is being unveiled. This is the place to keep an eye on as many, many new designs will be created just for you!

  • Size options are now available for your Crystal Bouquet! Choose from petite, small, medium and large. Perfect for weddings, proms, quinceterras or communions!

~Lanyards: Do you have to wear an ID badge? Well, Crystal Allure Creations is beginning to design lanyards to fit your everyday business need to wear an ID badge -and now you can but with style!

~And last but not least:

You will also find on each product page where there is a matching pair of earrings, bracelet, necklace or other complimentary product -it is now just a click away under "Related Products". (Stephanie Jean)